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A Fairy Tale Village In The Netherlands With No Roads

Have you ever wanted to live in a fairy-tale
place? Somewhere with cute little houses and rivers and lots of fresh
flowers. Perhaps you’d even want to ride a boat for a change, you
know, instead of using a car. A place like that exists and it’s
straight up out of your dreams.

It’s called
Giethoorn, it’s a village in the Netherlands that was founded in
the 1200s and it’s absolutely magical and beautiful and quaint and
all the best things. And you know what’s the cherry on top? There
are no roads here.

Every single
house in this village looks like a Disney character could live here.
Look at it! Doesn’t that look like a place Snow White would be
living at? Or perhaps Belle would spend her summers here.

Those are some of
the cutest little houses we’ve ever seen. And the flowers and
plants surrounding them, come on!

There are 176
bridges here, but no roads, only paths you can walk on or canals. So
you can’t take a bus, or drive here. The main mode of
transportation in Giethoorn is a boat. Most people who live here have
whisper boats, which have silent motors so you can’t even hear

This adds to the
whole fairy-tale atmosphere of the place. It’s very peaceful and
quiet here and even the official website of the village says that the
loudest noises in the village are made by ducks or other birds.

This village gets
quite a few tourists because obviously, people would want to see this
quaint place and enjoy a day in a place that’s green and peaceful.
But as there’s no transport here, visitors have to leave their cars
outside the village and get everywhere on foot. You can also rent one
of the whisper boats on your own or with a local tour guide who will
show you around and tell you more about this cute little place.

This village
looks equally stunning all year round. In the spring and summer it’s
a green haven of flowers and trees, in the autumn everything turns
beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange. In the winter the canals
sometimes freeze over and the village turns into a winter wonderland.

You can actually
ice-skate around the village. Imagine how cute all of this is at
Christmas time as it’s covered in fairy lights and you’re
ice-skating under those cute bridges. It’s definitely a place one
should visit in every season.

#Fairy #Tale #Village #Netherlands #Roads

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