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Thought-Provoking Street Art by JPS

Thought-Provoking Street Art by JPS

Some folks think graffiti is the only type of street art out there, and they couldn’t be more wrong. Many of those weirdly-shaped words painted on the walls are rightfully considered to be vandalism, but on the other hand, we have tons of talented street artists whose imagination is second only to their artistic prowess. Their works can be found almost everywhere: some good, others quite questionable, but none of them are obnoxious or vulgar.

One such artist is Jamie Paul Scanlon, who you may know as JPS. This guy can never resist the urge to pain-bomb all those rocks, wall-chains, and other little details that most people would probably overlook on their leisurely stroll around town. Jamie looks at his surroundings and tries to organically put his concepts into them. For him, it’s all about the right location. You can tell he is more than just an average wall bomber. It’s a whole lifestyle!

JPA was living on the streets of his British hometown when he decided to attend an exhibition of the legendary underground artist Banksy. This little side-quest helped Jamie discover his own artistic talent, thereby changing his whole life. These days, JPS’s work is mostly focused on funny visual puns that will make you sharply blow air through your nose, and maybe even one of the corners of your mouth will go up. If that’s not true art, then what is?

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