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Top 10 Hardest and Easiest Spelling Bee Words, July 1-7

Here are the meanings of the least-found words that were used in (mostly) recent Times articles.

1. riyal — the currency of Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Qatar:

They could have come by car, they said — Doha is about six hours from Riyadh — but Qatar, nervous about car traffic, disincentivized that idea for the World Cup. It created a temporary toll of 5,000 Saudi riyal (about $1,330) for those driving across the border during the tournament. Saudi Commuters Descend on Doha for an In-and-Out World Cup (Nov. 26, 2022)

2. cortado — a drink that consists of one part espresso and one part steamed milk:

He rated the caffè latte a 7, with “a strong flavor that leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth.” And he noted an orange flavor that dominated the Oleato iced cortado, giving it a 6.5. Want That Coffee With Olive Oil? Starbucks Thinks Italians Will. (Feb. 22, 2023)

3. allocator — one who directs resources toward a goal:

Musk is “a phenomenal capital allocator, and I think he’ll make a lot of money in Twitter,” said Chamath Palihapitiya, a venture capitalist who was an early Facebook executive. “It doesn’t fit my risk profile. Can Elon Musk Make the Math Work on Owning Twitter? It’s Dicey. (Oct. 30, 2022)

4. dotard — one whose faculties are declining, especially as a result of age:

North Korea tested a hydrogen bomb and launched intercontinental ballistic missiles. President Donald J. Trump threatened to rain “fire and fury” ​ on the North. The two leaders exchanged personal insults like “little Rocket Man” and “U.S. dotard.” Departing South Korean Leader Exchanges Farewell Letters With Kim Jong-un (April 22, 2022)

5. wangling — getting something through cleverness or persuasion:

El-Waylly, in particular, holds brunch to a standard, pushing contestants away from leaning on store-bought foods like bagels or presmoked and -sliced fish, wangling more precision in their technique and seasoning. Can the Most Hated Meal Be Redeemed? ‘The Big Brunch’ Says Yes. (Nov. 7, 2022)

6. toccata — a piece of music that shows off a musician’s technique, typically in the form of a keyboard or plucked string instrument:

They were so impressed with her rendition of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D minor that they asked her to appear with them at a sold-out show in the same venue the next evening. On TikTok, an Organist Finds an Audience, and Herself (April 21, 2022)

7. wigwagging and 8. wigwag — to move back and forth:

When the small plane crossed paths with military helicopters, as happened two or three times, the researchers held on as Mr. Giles wigwagged to signal he had seen them. Scientists Comb a Ruined Coastline for Clues and Lessons (Sept. 6, 2005)

9. tomtit — any of several small birds:

By formal action of the State Legislature the tomtit, or Carolina chickadee, recently became the official bird of North Carolina. This year has seen Indiana also adopt an official bird — the Eastern cardinal. Only four states — Connecticut, Iowa, New Jersey and Tennessee — remain without feathered representatives. — “Official” Birds Selected by Nearly All the States (Aug. 6, 1933)

10. papyri — materials used as paper for ancient writing:

According to papyri fragments discovered by Pierre Tallet, an Egyptologist and the co-author (along with Dr. Lehner) of the book “The Red Sea Scrolls,” the work was considered a noble, respectable profession. A Refreshing Look at Egypt’s Ancient Pyramids (July 4, 2022)

And a bonus: 11. enfeeble — weaken:

Decades of mass incarceration have resulted in a prison population growing older and more enfeebled, and has introduced the challenge of reintegrating people coming out after long sentences, often with few skills, into a society that technology has made alienatingly unfamiliar. Here’s What Happens as the Era of Mass Incarceration Winds Down (March 31, 2023)

The list of the week’s easiest words:


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